Apr 22, 2010

Why I think feminists are funny people.

What They Do Part 1:
They spend so many time trying to show the world that woman are capable of doing jobs that are normally associated with men. 

What They Actually Show Part 1:
They are actually agreeing to the fact that males are superior by demonstrating that they too at present time, can achieve something that the male species had achieved tens or even hundreds of years ago. 

What They Do Part 2:
They keep on saying woman can be world leaders too! They give examples such as Margaret Thatcher, Gloria Aroyyo and Khaleda Zia. Sometimes when they really want to prove a point, they name each and every present female head of states.

What They Actually Show Part 2:
They are highlighting that as of now (22nd April 2010) out of 195 countries, only 24 are headed by females. Which means that only roughly 12% of the world are headed by females. When I say 24, 3 are actually headed by royalty ie Her Majesties The Queens of England, Netherlands and Denmark. If I was to count only elected representatives, that would make the total number of elected female head of states a grand 10.7%.

What They Do Part 3:
They keep on questioning why they are discriminated against. Why is everything dominated by males. Why are they not given the chance to prove that they too, are well qualified.

What They Actually Show Part 3:
They highlight the fact they are subordinate to men. They are actually highlighting their own weaknesses.

I am of the opinion that girls are just as intelligent and just as capable as guys, if not better. They are the reason why there are so many successful guys out there. Tun Dr Mahathir would not be, and I guarantee you this, the man he is today if Tun Dr Siti Hasmah wasn't there for him in his time of need. At home, my mom is the backbone of my dad. My girlfriend holds me and comforts me in my time of need, whenever, wherever ever since the first day she said "I love you" to me. My bffs are there for me, through thick and thin :). 

However, sometimes, although it may be very hard to admit, girls are just not cut out to do some things that are normally done by guys. There must be a reason why Allah SWT told us all that prophets can only be from the male species. Similarly, there are some things that guys could never do that are normally done by girls.

Here's why feminists make me laugh. They try so hard to prove that girls are just as good as guys but what they don't realize is that they are merely highlighting the weaknesses of the female species. They make me laugh because they live in an isolated world where they think males look down on females where in reality, that is absolutely false. Guys don't look down on girls.

As a guy, when I look into my mother's eyes, all I see is strength. All I see is wisdom. All I see is love. Feminists are like racists. They plague the world, spreading hatred. 

Don't be one ;)


  1. Yes, to tell you the truth.....I also have some problems with feminism. the radical ones usually the most annoying.

    in my opinion, God put man first in many situation with a reason. like why God put woman to carry a child instead of man, right? :)

    maybe its not fair to say such words when i am not in the third world country who might be discriminated based on gender. i know that discrimination against gender does exist, but you dont have to be to the extreme to prove you are equal or stronger..

    it is all depend on how you handle your life yourself. it will show. :)

  2. eleh ko. u were attracted to one rmmber?
    sparoh nafas jiwa ku pergi hehe.

    wuteva lah faisal..
    but i admit this is good. hehe
    pegi lah anta article ko ni kat reader digest ke boleh la dapat duit.

    try je lah.
    if taboleh then maybe the one selecting tu feminist so die bias ngn ko.

  3. intan: yeap, honestly when i wrote this entry i was only thinking about the condition here in malaysia. i guess theres nothing wrong with fighting for women's rights. i just dont agree with feminists =)exactly! god made woman carry babies because obviously, they have certain qualities that are just not found in men =)

    su: first of all, whts with the name? haha
    well, that was a long time ago and in all honesty, i was young clueless and naive haha. people make mistakes :P hehehe

  4. hahaha omg i nearly died laughing...i feel u dood. U have guts for asking help with finding the book! But i heard its a great read. U shud totally get it ONLINE hopefully, the people here cannot be trusted with issues of err virginity
